Invasive and Non-Invasive Skin Treatments

These days there are many options for your skin rejuvenating — both invasive and non-invasive. If you’re trying to decide whether to go the way of the Kardashians or risk the unrecognizable makeover of Renee Zellweger, remember one doesn’t have to choose Botox or go under the knife to get the best results!

The Options

Let’s face it, when it comes to restoring your skin there are plenty of options out there. But what method is right for you — non-invasive options or invasive skin procedures? Non-invasive procedures are defined as any medical procedure which does not break the skin, while invasive procedures break the skin in some way. Here are the major options.


The following non-invasive skin care options can leave your skin looking healthier than ever; boast little-to-no recovery time, and aren’t very painful. The downside might be that the results aren’t extreme so you won’t look in the mirror and see yourself 20 years younger. Sensica’s SensiLift is an entirely different dynamic of non-invasive treatments with no downside.

• Microdermabrasion
An excellent option for dull skin, brown spots, or age spots whereby a specialist sprays tiny crystals onto the skin exfoliating it and removing the outer layer. Your skin completely recovers in 24 hours and there are very few side effects.

• HydraFacial
Both non-invasive and non-irritating, this process combines several skin rejuvenating techniques into one simple procedure entirely performed by a specialist. The skin is exfoliated; an acid peel is used to loosen oil from inside the pores; the dirt and oil is extracted with a vacuum-like suction; and the pores are filled with a nourishing, hydrating serum that stimulates collagen production. The process takes about an hour long and is relatively painless. It won’t remove wrinkles, but leaves the skin looking younger and cleaner.

• Ultherapy
A relatively new and simple hour-long procedure performed by a technician that uses ultrasound to tighten the neck and face. The technician glides an ultrasound wand across the face that jumpstarts the production of new collagen, tightening the skin. It can take up to 2 weeks to see results, healing is almost immediate, and besides some bruising or swelling for a few days, most experience no side-effects.

• Non-Invasive Devices
There are many devices claiming to provide antiaging results to different effects – from a facelift to wrinkle reduction. Most are implemented at beauty clinics by professionals. Medical esthetics experts at Sensica have developed Sensilift — a non-invasive device that comprises the technical abilities of salon treatments and packages them into a handheld device designed for cost-effective, convenient, time-saving home use. The device, which is based on the very unique system of Dynamic RF anti-aging technology that also provides a facial massage to reach wider and deeper skin layers simultaneously. It reduces wrinkles and improves the skin’s appearance, texture, provides a feeling of firmness, and tightens it up. The device is extremely safe as it comprises safety sensors that continuously react to the skin’s condition with every single flash, and is virtually painless. Another bonus is that it is easy to use and provides the feeling of having a spa massage. No risk, no surgery.

Invasive Skin Procedures

As the old adage says, no pain, no gain. If you have that conviction, an invasive skin procedure might be worth trying. However, the procedures all need to be done by specialists and are somewhat invasive. They do have dramatic results, gut they do not look natural. Sensilift, on the other hand, is akin to an organic treatment as it awakens the natural biological mechanism of collagen production.

• Botox
We’ve all heard of this one! Used to treat wrinkles, Botox is an effective invasive skin care procedure whereby Botox is injected into your skin and blocks the nerves from muscles. The result is an immediately more relaxed look with almost no recovery time, with the only side-effects being some bruising and swelling around the injection site. The process should be done wisely to avoid an unnatural appearance.

• Facelifts
A facelift reduces wrinkles and sagging skin on the face and neck caused by aging or weight loss. The procedure removes excess skin, tightens the underlying muscles, and re-drapes the skin in a higher position. The results go beyond what can be expected from wrinkle-fighting injections like Botox. Surgical facelifts are typically performed under general anesthesia or deep twilight sleep and there can be severe medical (bleeding/hypersensitivity to anesthesia/nerve damage/poor wound healing/postoperative complications) and psychological (such as unrealistic expectations) side-effects. Besides the expense, recovery time from surgery is much longer and more painful than other procedures.

• Laser Skin Resurfacing
This technology treats sun damaged skin, improves texture, and removes acne scars and fine lines. It works by shooting a beam of light at our skin which kills the outer layer. While that happens, collagen fibers on the skin underneath shrink together. One treatment can take up to an hour and a half, is painful, and several treatments are usually required. Treated skin can be raw and itchy, and the area you treated may ooze a yellow liquid. Recovery from each procedure can take up to two weeks.

• Chemical Peels
These procedures come in many forms, some stronger than others. An acid solution removes the uppermost layer of skin on your face, as the skin underneath is smoother with fewer wrinkles. If you opt for a less concentrated chemical peel, your recovery time may only be a few days. However, the results would be less dramatic than with a more concentrated peel. A deeper peel is effective but the healing time is longer (up to 2 months).

So which type of procedure wins? There’s no real answer to as it depends on the results you want, the risk you’re prepared to take, your pain threshold, amount of free time, and budget. Consider your options and look forward to a procedure that will leave your skin looking vibrant and healthy.