Over Fifty and Feeling as Young as You Have Ever Felt

Life After Fifty: Not What You Imagined

The other side of 50 never looked so good. Your skin doesn’t need to reflect your age. Don’t let age define your skin

By Elaine Lambert

Hi everybody. My name is Elaine, I am 54 years old, and I am happy when I look in the mirror. Want to know why? Not so long ago, I was feeling and looking like a tired, old, middle-aged woman, and the way my skin looked made me blue, but today I feel renewed. So what’s changed? A minor wardrobe update, a major attitude adjustment, and a revolutionary RF (radio frequency) home treatment to transform my ageing skin.

The Old Me

Up until the last few years, I didn’t give too much thought to my age. I was busy with kids, friends, and my job, but when my children moved on and life slowed down, I frequently analyzed how I looked and wondered when these changes started happening to my face. I remember the exact moment it hit me. I was walking past a storefront and suddenly did a double-take at my reflection. I honestly didn’t even recognize myself. I scanned my forehead, the areas around my eyes and mouth, my chin, my chest… everything seemed so saggy and wrinkly. “Who is this woman?” I wondered, “This can’t be what I look like! I still feel like I’m in my 30’s!” It was an eye-opening moment. I always told myself I would stay calm when this day arrived, but my reaction was very different when the time came. Witnessing the loss of my youthful appearance was one of the most challenging experiences I have been through. It felt like I had lost some of the things I loved most about myself. I stood there helpless and thought, “When did this happen?”.


Taking control

After that moment, I decided that I must do something about it. I will embrace my age, but I will also be proactive and work to diminish and slow down the appearance of my ageing skin. I realized that, like most women, I’d probably never be at peace with my wrinkles, but I know there is something out there to help me decrease their appearance and help get my confidence back.


Getting Younger Looking Skin Isn’t Magic.

I learned about the different methods to combat ageing skin. I don’t fancy needles, so I looked into various non-invasive options. At first, considered a chemical peel, but my skin was sensitive, and I was worried it was too irritating. The spa that I went to suggested maybe doing microdermabrasion instead. I tried one session, but I didn’t feel like the results lasted as long as I wanted (and frequent treatments were going to get pricey).

At lunch one day, a friend mentioned RF treatments, but those were also expensive, and my schedule is too tight to go to appointments continuously. This led me to start looking for at-home alternatives, which is when I discovered RF technology devices available for home use. I was ecstatic! Quickly I began to research some different options and decided to purchase the brilliant Sensilift. This device grabbed my attention because it uses Dynamic RF technology, a mix of regular RF combined with a massage that stimulates the tissue below the skin. I learned that our collagen production diminishes as we age which causes wrinkles and sagging skin. RF technology boosts collagen production to counteract this and make skin look younger. Of course, I was skeptical at first, but after only one month, the compliments started. “You look great” and “Did you take a vacation? You look so refreshed.” were some of the common reactions. It was clear I wasn’t the only one noticing the improvements in my skin texture. I was thrilled!

Want to find out how to keep yourself healthy and pretty after fifty? Click here.


A whole new me

My Sensilift is now the highlight of my skincare routine. After using it for just a few short weeks, my confidence returned. 5 minutes just once a week helped me to diminish my crow’s feet, sagging skin, and fine lines. It was amazing! When I put my cosmetics on now, they effortlessly glide onto my skin, just like they did in my 30s.

Now that my skin looks years younger, my outer self reflects how I feel inside. You know what they say, if you look good, you feel good. I’m less shy when I go out, and I’ve even found myself being more friendly and chatty with new people, which is so unlike me. After I turned 40, my confidence started to lower. I hated how I looked in photographs and saw myself in the mirror, but now I can’t wait to stand and smile in front of the camera and be proud of how I look.