Easy DIY Face Mask Recipes

Skincare products can be very expensive, which is why DIY face masks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Sometimes, it can take years for you to discover which products give the best results for your skin. Even when they’re made specifically for your skin type, there’s still a good chance you won’t be happy with what you buy.

When it comes to DIY face masks, they are something that you make from natural ingredients. Your expenses will be minuscule and the recipes are so simple that there is hardly a chance that you’ll do something wrong. However, that’s not to say that you should try a face mask just because you saw a recipe on your social media feed.

Before you apply anything to your face, it’s important to understand exactly what the role of each ingredient is and why you should use it. If you want to boost your skincare routine with homemade face masks, here are some recipes that you should consider.

Dry Skin Mask

For an effective dry skin face mask, you will need only two tablespoons aloe vera gel and half a cucumber. To make this mask at home, you should blend the cucumber, add the aloe vera, and blend for several additional seconds. Apply the mask to your face as soon as you finish blending the ingredients and let it sit for half an hour. This will allow the ingredients to penetrate your skin and rejuvenate it. After that, simply wash off the mask with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera is incredibly beneficial for dry skin because it’s filled with powerful antioxidants and enzymes. It is a good source of vitamins C and A – and has notable anti-inflammatory properties. Although you can use this face mask to moisturize your skin, it’s also an effective solution for getting rid of wrinkles.

Cucumbers are often used to hydrate skin due to their nutritional value. They contain a high amount of folic acid and vitamin C. This vegetable is commonly used to alleviate sunburns and reduce swelling.

Anti-Inflammatory Face Mask

All you need for this DIY anti-inflammatory face mask is half an avocado and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil. Remove the skin and pit from the avocado and mash it in a mixing bowl. Afterward, add the vitamin and continue mixing. Apply the mask to your face and let it sit for 20 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Unlike vitamin E supplements that you consume, vitamin E oil is applied directly to the skin. Vitamin E oil is commonly found in skin care products as it can effectively rejuvenate your skin. It plays an important role in preventing wrinkles, moisturizing skin, alleviating flaking associated with eczema, and prevent the formation of sunburns.

Moisturizing Face Mask

If you are looking for a face mask that will moisturize your skin, especially during colder months, you can’t go wrong with this recipe. What you’ll need is a teaspoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and an egg white.

To make this face mask, put the egg white in a bowl, add the olive oil and lemon juice, and then mix until smooth. It’s important not to overdo the mixing, as it might create foam because of the egg white. Keep the mask on until dry and then start peeling off as much as possible. Wash the rest away with lukewarm water.

Olive oil is noted for its antioxidant properties and plays a role in the prevention of premature aging. It is also a great source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Meanwhile, lemons are a powerful citrus fruit that is also loaded with antioxidants. Lemon juice is recommended as an acne and dandruff treatment.

Aside from being a vital ingredient in many DIY face mask recipes, olive oil is also known for its amazing hair health properties. If you apply it to your scalp, olive oil can promote hair growth and reduce inflammation. To get the most out of this type of DIY hair treatment, it’s recommended that you use unrefined, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.

Nourishing Honey Face Mask

You can give your skin a bright glow with this nourishing citrus face mask. All that you need for this recipe is a quarter-cup of honey and three tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice. Combine the two ingredients and mix it for a few minutes. Afterward, apply it to your skin and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash the mask off with lukewarm water, dry it with a towel, and apply moisturizer.

Honey has been used to boost skin health for a long time. It is especially beneficial if you have acne or an autoimmune skin condition. The reason why honey is so powerful is that it can balance the bacteria on your skin and make your cells’ healing processes more efficient. On the other hand, oranges have high antioxidant content and are an excellent source of vitamin C.

Face Mask for Discoloration

If you want to make a face mask for discoloration at home, you’ll need a teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of honey, and some turmeric powder. Take a small bowl, put all of the ingredients inside, and mix them together for a few minutes. Apply a thin layer of the face mask and leave it on for the next 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and dry your skin with a towel.

Turmeric powder is almost always used in face masks that reduce dark spots or scars. Since this mask is used to treat discoloration, it may take two or three months before you start seeing results. You can apply this particular face mask once per week.

Some of the main nutrients found in yogurt include calcium, zinc, and lactic acid. Calcium is a mineral that plays a vital role in treating dry skin, while zinc regulates sebum production. Lactic acid is often found in skin care products because it exfoliates and moisturizes the skin.